PreSAGE For Homes

With a one-time installation, PreSAGE continuously monitors the safety of your loved ones. Falls at homes are an extremely common occurrence, especially with the elderly, and it can be difficult for caretakers to monitor patients 24/7.

That's why PreSAGE® has been redeployed to care for elderly living alone. PreSAGE® now enables enhanced safety by monitoring of fall incidents and sending of timely notifications to loved ones or service providers. In 2021, PreSAGE® was deployed in a nation-wide pilot programme to do just that. High fall-risk elderly were enrolled in this pilot programme had PreSAGE® installed in their homes that provides that crucial monitoring on a 24/7 basis, coupled with care services from Service Providers. We are happy to report that in the 8-month pilot programme, no falls were missed.

In collaboration with    
Island-wide team of trained first responders
Zero False Alarms
24/7 Remote Monitoring